Todor Kableshkov University of Transport Visše transportno učilište "Todor Kableškov" (VTU) 



top General Information


Street:bul. Geo Milev 158


Province:9709-242; +359 (2) 9709-407

Post Code:1574


Institution Funding



Founded 1922. Renamed Todor Kableshkov Higher Military School of Transport 1984. Demilitarized and renamed as Todor Kableshkov Higher School of Transport 2000

Tuition Fees

International:2,500 per annum in full-time mode; 1,500-1,800 per annum in part-time mode (EUR)



Accrediting Agency

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA)

top Officers

Head : Daniela Todorova

Job title:Rector

Senior Administrative Officer : Nikolay Georgiev

Job title:Vice Rector of Academic Affairs

International Relations Officer : Petar Kolev

Job title:Vice-Rector, Research and International Relations

top Divisions

Faculty : Machinery and Construction Technologies in Transport

Fields of study:Building Technologies, Machine Building, Mechanical Engineering, Transport and Communications, Transport Engineering

Faculty : Telecommunications and Electrical Equipment in Transport

Fields of study:Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Power Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering

Faculty : Transport Management

Fields of study:Arts and Humanities, Machine Building, Transport Economics, Transport Management

top Degrees


Fields of study:Automotive Engineering, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Industrial Management, Machine Building, Power Engineering, Railway Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Transport and Communications, Transport Engineering, Transport Management


Fields of study:Air Transport, Computer Engineering, Computer Graphics, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Machine Building, Marine Transport, Mechanical Engineering, Small Business, Telecommunications Engineering, Transport and Communications, Transport Economics, Transport Engineering, Transport Management


Fields of study:Automotive Engineering, Building Technologies, Civil Engineering, Computer Networks, Construction Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Machine Building, Maintenance Technology, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics, Power Engineering, Railway Transport, Safety Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Transport Engineering

Updated on 14-05-2020