Sorbonne University Sorbonne Université 



top General Information


Street:21, rue de l’École de Médecine


Post Code:75006


Institution Funding



Founded 1970 under the 1968 law reforming higher education as one of the new Universities replacing the former Université de Paris (created in 1257, suppressed by the Revolution in 1793; replaced 1808 by an Academy of the Université impériale; reconstituted as university 1890). Was known as Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV) from 1968 until 2018, when it merged with Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC – Paris VI) and acquired current title.

Academic Year

October to June (October-February; February-June)

Admission Requirements

Secondary school certificate (baccalauréat) or equivalent, or special entrance examination



Accrediting Agency

Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

Student Body


top Officers

Head : Nathalie Drach-Temam

Job title:President

Years of office:2021-

International Relations Officer : Guillaume Fiquet

Job title:Vice President for International Relations, and Territorial and Socio-Economic Partnerships

top Divisions

Faculty : Letters

Fields of study:Arabic, Archaeology, Art History, Catalan, Education, European Languages, Foreign Languages Education, Geography, Germanic Languages, Greek, Hebrew, History, Information Technology, Italian, Journalism, Linguistics, Literature, Mass Communication, Music, Musicology, Philosophy, Polish, Portuguese, Publishing and Book Trade, Romance Languages, Russian, Serbocroatian, Slavic Languages, Sociology, Spanish

Faculty : Medicine

Fields of study:Dentistry, Medicine, Midwifery, Podiatry, Rehabilitation and Therapy

Faculty : Science and Engineering

Fields of study:Actuarial Science, Biological and Life Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics

School : Information and Communication Studies (CELSA)

Fields of study:Advertising and Publicity, Communication Studies, Information Sciences, Journalism, Marketing, Media Studies

top Degrees


Fields of study:Biological and Life Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Engineering, Earth Sciences, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Natural Sciences, Physics, Technology

Licence professionnelle

Fields of study:Biotechnology, Business and Commerce, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Studies, International Business, Library Science, Regional Planning, Town Planning

Diplôme d'État

Fields of study:Midwifery, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Podiatry


Fields of study:Archaeology, Art History, Biological and Life Sciences, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Cultural Studies, Ecology, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Geography, Health Sciences, History, Information Sciences, Insurance, Linguistics, Literature, Management, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Musicology, Philology, Philosophy, Physics, Sociology, Town Planning


Fields of study:Ancient Civilizations, Arabic, Archaeology, Art History, Comparative Literature, Contemporary History, Cultural Studies, English Studies, European Studies, Germanic Studies, History, Information Sciences, International Business, Linguistics, Medieval Studies, Modern History, Musicology, Philosophy, Slavic Languages, Sociology

Habilitation à diriger les recherches


National Diplomas for French and French Studies

top Academic Periodicals


Actes des différents colloques publiés aux Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne

Main Press

Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne

top Student & Staff Numbers


Statistics Year:2018-2019

Full Time Total:6300


Statistics Year:2018-2019


Foreign Total:10200

Updated on 04-05-2022