Types of HEIs
1 : Üniversite : University
2 : Teknik Üniversite : Technical University
3 : Konservatuvar : Conservatory
Description:An institution of higher education in which artists are trained for music and the performing arts. It lasts for eight semester.
4 : Enstitü : Institute
5 : Meslek Yüksekokulu : Vocational School
6 : Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü : Higher Institute of Technology
Pre-Higher Education System
Basic : Basic Education School
Length of program:8
Age level from:6
Age level to:14
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Ilköğretim Diplomasi (Basic Education Diploma)
Secondary : General, Vocational and Technical High Schools (Genel Lise, Meslek Lisesi, Teknik Lise)
Length of program:4
Age level from:14
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Lise Diplomasi (High School Diploma)
The age of entry to school is six or seven. Since 1997, secondary education follows eight years of primary education and covers general, vocational and technical high schools that provide four years of education.
General high schools do not prepare students for a specific profession but rather for higher education. The following institutions are considered to fall within general secondary education: high schools; high schools with intensive foreign language teaching; Anatolian high schools where a foreign language - English, French or German - is taught during the preparatory year and the teaching of certain subjects is provided in that language in upper grades; science high schools; teacher training high schools; Anatolian fine arts schools; multi-curricula high schools; evening high schools; and private high schools. In general high schools, the average number of weekly periods of teaching in each grade varies from a minimum of 33 to a maximum of 41. In their second year, students in high schools where the general programme is applied may choose to attend branches which specialize in the natural sciences, literature and mathematics, the social sciences, foreign languages, art or physical education.
Vocational high schools provide four-year secondary education, train qualified people for various professions and also prepare students for higher education. Technical high schools offer a four-year programme. Subjects offered in the first year are the same as in the vocational high schools. Secondary education students obtain the Lise Diplomasi which is the prerequisite for entry to higher education. For admission to all undergraduate programmes, a valid high school diploma and a sufficient score on the Student Selection and Placement Examinations (YGS and LYS) are required. The YGS and LYS are central university entrance examinations administered by the Assessment Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM).
Higher Education System
Higher education is provided by state universities, including higher institutes of technology, and foundations (private universities). The supreme authority for the regulation of higher education is the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), which is a fully autonomous national board of trustees without any political or government affiliation. The Interuniversity Council consists of the rectors of all the universities and one member elected by the Senate of each university. Universities, faculties, institutes and four-year schools are founded by law, while the two-year vocational schools, departments and divisions are established by the Council of Higher Education. The foundation universities are under the supervision of the Council of Higher Education and their programmes must be regularly accredited. The medium of instruction is Turkish. Some universities use English, French and German as the language of instruction with one preparatory year.
Law No. 4702 on access to the two-year higher education programmes without university entrance examination for vocational/technical high school graduates (2001)
Law No. 4306 on National Education (1997)
Law No. 625 on Private Education (1995)
Law No. 2547 on Higher Education (1981)
Basic Law No. 1739 on National Education (1973)
Turkish, English, French, German
Non-university level
Description:There is no non-university level post-secondary study in the Turkish higher education system. Higher technical and vocational post-secondary studies are offered in four-year higher schools and two-year vocational higher schools affiliated to the universities. They offer vocational training in various professions and confer an Önlisans Diploma following completion of two-year university studies and a Lisans Diploma on completion of four-year university studies.
University level first stage : Önlisans Diplomasi/Lisans Diplomasi
Description:An Önlisans Derecesi or Diplomasi (Associate's degree) is awarded after the successful completion of two-year university studies. Courses leading to the Lisans Diplomasi require a minimum of four years' university study. Studies in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Law and Veterinary Medicine last for five years and in Medicine for six years. In Veterinary Medicine, the professional qualification of Veteriner Hekim Diplomasi is conferred. In Dentistry, the Dis Hekimligi Diplomasi is conferred. In Medicine, the professional qualification of Tip Doktorlugu Diplomasi is conferred. Graduates of Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry can directly apply to PhD/Doctorate programmes in Turkey. The qualifications in these three fields of study are considered to be the equivalent to a Yuksek Lisans Diplomasi (Master's degree).
University level second stage : Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi/Bilim Uzmanligi Diplomasi
Description:The Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi (Master's degree) lasts for two years with thesis option and for one-and-a-half years with non-thesis option.
University level third stage : Doktora Diplomasi/Bilim Doktorlugu Diplomasi/Tip Uzmanlik Diploması/Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi
Description:Candidates must hold the Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi and sit for an examination. The Doktora Diplomasi is conferred after two years' study and on completion of a doctoral thesis (a total of four years). The Tip Uzmanlik Diploması (specialist degree) in Medicine is conferred to recognize a physician's advanced skills and expertise. It is considered to be the equivalent of a Doktora Diplomasi.
According to the Higher Education Law (art. 35), higher education institutions are responsible for the training of their own academic staff, both at home and abroad. There are various criteria for the promotion of teaching staff members.
Distance education is offered at the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University. Entry is through central national university entrance examination (YKS) on a competitive basis. Courses last for two and four years.
Street:Atatürk Bulvarı No. 98 Bakanlıklar
Tel:+90(312) 413-2680
Contacts:Ziya Selçuk (Head), Job title : Minister
Street:Uluslararası İlişkiler Birimi B-7 Blok, 5. Kat Bilkent
Tel:+90(312) 298-7933
Fax:+90(312) 266-4744
Contacts:M. A. Yekta Saraç (Head), Job title : President
Assessment Selection and Placement Centre - ÖSYM
Street:Üniversiteler Mh., İhsan Doğramacı Blv No:3
Tel:+90(312) 298 8050
Contacts:Halis Aygün (Head), Job title : President
Services provided and types of students dealt with:The Department of Recognition and Equivalence Services (DRES); Recognition and equivalence assesments of foreign higher education qualificaiton
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı (YÖK) Bilkent
Tel:+90(312) 298 7938
Fax:+90(312) 266 4744
Contacts:Fikriye Karacameydan (Head), Job title : Lecturer and Expert of Foreign Education
Lise Diplomasi
Requirement for:all programmes
For admission to all undergraduate programmes in Turkey, a valid high school diploma and a sufficient score on the Student Selection and Placement Examinations (YGS and LYS) are required. The YGS and LYS are central university examinations administered by the Assessment Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM).
Higher education programmes and their student numbers are defined in the Higher Education Programmes and Student Quotas Guide prepared by the Assessment Selection and Placement Center and the Council of Higher Education every year.
Admission Requirements:Foreign students who wish to undertake their undergraduate studies in Turkey must have completed their secondary education in a high school or a similar institution in which the education is equivalent to that of a Turkish high school. They must apply directly to the university of their choice and the university makes the selection. Foreign students who wish to pursue their graduate/post-graduate studies in Turkey must also apply directly to the university of their choice, each university having its own admission requirements. Some scholarships are available for international students.
Citizens of the Turkish Republic Citizens and of the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus cannot apply within the the foreign students quotas. Detailed information at: http://www.yok.gov.tr/en/content/view/35/71/
Recognition of Studies
In the current national structure, it is the responsibility of the Council of Higher Education to take the necessary steps for providing quality assurance in higher education. The Commission of Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Higher Education Institutions (YÖDEK) is responsible for the improvement of quality assurance. It is an associate member of ENQA. Quality assurance in higher education is conducted according to the Regulation on Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement in Higher Education Institutions. This regulation was prepared in accordance with the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) in the matter.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:Non-university level studies completed abroad are not evaluated.
For Access to University Level Studies:The Council of Higher Education is responsible for the determination of the equivalency of Associate’s, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees awarded abroad. The evaluation procedures are carried out according to the Regulations Governing Equivalency of Higher Education Diplomas Awarded Abroad. These regulations have been prepared in accordance with the Article 7/p of the Higher Education Law. The Inter-University Council (ÜAK) evaluates doctoral degrees and academic titles of Associate Professor and Professor awarded abroad.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:For access to advanced studies and research one must obtain the recognition of prior learning.
For the Exercise of a Profession:A foreign national is allowed to practise his profession in Turkey if he holds a work permit and has the necessary qualifications approved by a diploma validated by YÖK.
European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study (1990)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, Lisbon (internally ratified by Law No. 5463 of February 23, 2006 and international ratification process still to be completed) (2004)
UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region (1979)
UNESCO Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Asia and the Pacific (1983)
Bologna Declaration (2001)
UNESCO International Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States Bordering on the Mediterranean (1976)
Revised Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (2011) (The Tokyo Convention) (2019)
Details:Medical insurance for foreign students is obligatory. Foreign students are generally advised to take out an insurance in their country before they leave.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:190 Turkish Lira
National Students - Max Tuition Fees:591 Turkish LiraCredentials
Lise Diplomasi
Description:Secondary school leaving certificate obtained after eight years' basic education followed by four years' secondary education.
Önlisans Diplomasi
Description:The önlisans diplomasi constitutes the first two years of studies leading to a four-year lisans diplomasi. At the same time, ön lisans diplomasi is a vocational higher education qualification.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lise Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Meslek Yüksekokulu (Vocational School)
Diş Hekimligi Diplomasi
Description:In Dentistry, the professional degree conferred upon the completion of five years' study is the Diş Hekimligi Diplomasi. It is equivalent to the Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi (Master's degree).
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lise Diplomasi
Lisans Diplomasi
Description:The Lisans Diplomasi is a first terminal degree conferred after a minimum of four years' study.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lise Diplomasi
Önlisans Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Teknik Üniversite (Technical University)
Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü (Higher Institute of Technology)
Tip Doktorlugu Diplomasi
Description:The professional qualification of Doktor is awarded in Medicine after six years' study. It is equivalent to the Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi (Master's degree).
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lise Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Veteriner Hekim Diplomasi
Description:In Veterinary Medicine, the professional qualification of Veteriner Hekim Diplomasi is conferred at the end of undergraduate studies. Studies last for five years. It is equivalent to the Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi (Master's degree).
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lise Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Description:The Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi is conferred after two years' further study beyond the Lisans Diplomasi. There are two types of Master's programmes: with or without a thesis. The Master's programmes with a thesis have 120 ECTS and consist of a minimum of seven courses, one seminar course, and thesis, with a minimum of 21 national credits. The seminar course and thesis are non-credit and graded on a pass/fail basis. The duration of the Master's programme with a thesis is four semesters. Non-thesis Master's programmes have 90 ECTS and consist of a minimum of 10 courses with a minimum of 30 national credits and a non-credit semester project. The semester project is graded on a pass/fail basis. Duration of the non-thesis Master's programme is three semesters.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Teknik Üniversite (Technical University)
Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü (Higher Institute of Technology)
Diş Hekimliğinde, Eczacılıkta ve Veteriner Hekimlikte Uzmanlık Diploması
Description:The Diş Hekimliğinde, Eczacılıkta ve Veteriner Hekimlikte Uzmanlık Diploması is same as Tıp Uzmanlık Diploması (specialty training in Dentistry, Veterinary and Pharmacy) confirms a physician's advanced skills and expertise. It is considered to be equivalent to a Doctora Diploması.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Doktora Diplomasi
Description:Doctorate degree for which candidates must normally hold a Yüksek Lisans Diploma and sit for a qualifying examination. After the preliminary course of graduate studies (normally two years), candidates sit for a candidacy examination. If successful, they then prepare a thesis based on research which makes an original contribution to scholarship. They must also pass an oral examination. The "Regulations on Graduate Education" of 19 August 2003 permits the Bachelor's degree holders to enlist directly into Doctorate programmes provided that the student's performance at the Bachelor's degree level is evaluated as exceptionally high and his/her application is approved by the relevant authorities of the university. For these students, the Doctorate programmes consist of a minimum of 14 courses, with a minimum of 42 national credits, a qualifying examination, a dissertation proposal, and a dissertation. PhD programmes have 240 ECTS.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Teknik Üniversite (Technical University)
Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi
Description:Degree for which candidates must normally hold a Yüksek Lisans Diploma and sit for a qualifying examination. After the preliminary course of graduate studies, candidates sit for a candidacy examination. If successful, they then prepare and submit a thesis or a written project based on research which makes an original contribution to scholarship. They must also defend it orally before an examining committee. The aim of such programmes is the creation of an original work of art, or, in the case of the performing arts (music, drama, dance), a superior creative production or performance. Compentency in the arts programmes consists of a minimum of seven courses and practicums, for a minimum of 21 national credits, in addition to a thesis, exhibition, project, recital, concert or stage performance. The period allotted for the completion of such programmes is eight semesters. The regulations enacted by the senate of each institution will specify the procedures to be followed in the case of students who can graduate in a shorter period of time. The "Regulations on Graduate Education" of 19 August 2003 permits Bachelor's degree holders to enlist directly into Proficiency in Art programmes provided that the student's performance at the Bachelor's degree level is evaluated as exceptionally high and his/her application is approved by the relevant authorities of the university. The preliminary course of graduate studies is normally two years for Masters’s degree holders and 3 years for Bachelor’s degree holders.
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Tipta Uzmanlik Diploması
Description:The Tip Uzmanlik Belgesi (specialty training in Medicine) confirms a physician's advanced skills and expertise. It is considered to be equivalent to a Doktora Diplomasi.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Yüksek Lisans Diplomasi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Üniversite (University)
Description:Higher teaching qualification, the title of Associate Professor is awarded after passing the central Associate Professor Examination and taking foreign language proficiency document. The holders of Doktora Diplomasi, Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi, Diş Hekimliğinde Uzmanlık Diploması or Tipta Uzmanlik Belgesi can apply to this Examination. Applications for Associate Professorship are carried out by the Inter-University Council.
Entrance exam test at National level:yes
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Lisans Diplomasi
Tipta Uzmanlik Diploması
Sanatta Yeterlik Diplomasi
Doktora Diplomasi
Description:Highest teaching qualification awarded five years after the qualification of Doçentlik.
Data Provided by
IAU from ENIC/NARIC Turkey, Council of Higher Education (YOK), January 2019. Bodies updated May 2020.
Updated on 24-06-2019