

top Types of HEIs

Types of Higher Education Institutions

1 : Háskóli : University

2 : Kennaraháskóli : University of Education

3 : Landbúnadarháskóli : Agricultural University

4 : Listaháskóli : Academy of the Arts

top Pre-Higher Education System

Age of



Structure of School System

Basic : Grunnskóli

Length of program:10

Age level from:6

Age level to:16

Upper Secondary : Framhaldsskóli

Length of program:4

Age level from:16

Age level to:20

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Stúdentspróf

Description of School System

Pre-primary education is not compulsory. Basic education is compulsory and lasts for ten years (6 to 16 years of age) leading to the Grunnskólapróf Certificate. Upper secondary education covers four years and is open to anyone who has completed compulsory school. Courses lead to the Studentspróf. Secondary vocational education lasts from one semesters to 4 years' study.

top Higher Education System


While pre-primary and compulsory education is the responsibility of municipalities, central government is responsible for the operation of upper secondary schools and higher education institutions. Although education in Iceland has traditionally been provided by the public sector, a certain number of private institutions are in operation today, primarily at the pre-primary, upper-secondary and higher education levels.


The Public Higher Education Institutions Act no. 85 (2008)

The Higher Education Institutions Act no. 63 (2006)

Languages of Instruction

Icelandic, English

Stages of Higher Education

University level first stage : Diploma/ Bachelor's degree

Description:The first cycle of higher education includes 2 stages leading to (1) the Diploma (1 semester to 2 years' study) and (2) the Bachelor's degree (3 to 4 years' study).

University level second stage : Qualification at Master level/ Master's degree

Description:The second cycle of higher education includes two stages leading to a qualification at Master level (1 semester to 2 years's study) and the Master´s degree (1 1/2 to 2 years' study).

University level third stage : Doctoral degree

Description:The third cycle of higher education cycle has one stage leading to the Doctoral degree.

Training of HE Teachers

Higher education teachers are trained in universities and they advance in the academic hierarchy according to diplomas and degrees obtained. They must have completed at least a Master's degree or have equivalent knowledge and experience.

top Bodies

Governing bodies and other organizations / associations

Háskóla-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið

Role:Government body responsible for all school levels from pre-primary and compulsory education through to the upper secondary and higher education levels, as well as continuing and adult education.

Street:Arnarhvoli við Lindargötu




Contacts:- Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir (Head), Job title : Minister
- Ásdís Halla Bragadóttir (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Permanent Secretary

Bodies Responsible for Recognition


Services provided and types of students dealt with:Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in foreign countries.

Recognition for institution:yes

Recognition for profession:yes

Street:University of Iceland Saemundargata 4




Contacts:Gisli Fannberg (Head), Job title : Head of Centre

Bodies Responsible for Financial Aid

Lánasjódur íslenskra námsmanna

Role:The Fund offers student loans at educational institutions that require preparatory study comparable to university study in Iceland.



Street:Borgartúni 21




Bodies Responsible for International Cooperation

Háskóla-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðuneytið

Street:Arnarhvoli við Lindargötu




top Admission to Higher Education

Secondary School Credentials Required for Non-University Level Admission


Requirement for:Technical and vocational courses

Other Requirements

For some vocational studies at colleges additional work experience may be required.

Secondary School Credentials Required for University Level Admission


Requirement for:all higher education institutions.


A foreign equivalent of a secondary-school-leaving Certificate can be accepted as an entrance requirement.

Other Requirements

In addition to the general admission requirements (stúdentspróf), individual universities or faculties may have specific requirements.

Foreign Students Admission

Definition:Foreign students are persons enrolled at a higher education institution in Iceland but not permanent residents in Iceland.

Admission Requirements:The minimum qualification required of foreign students is a pass in the final examination of a Scandinavian or European type of upper secondary education. In general, students must possess the necessary qualifications to enter a university in their respective countries.

Quotas:With the exception of the University of Iceland and the University at Akureyri, Icelandic higher education institutions limit their intake of students each year.

Health:Students from non-Nordic and non-EU countries should make arrangements for health insurance before they leave their home countries.

Language Proficiency:Students must have a good knowledge of Icelandic. Courses are arranged for foreign students at the University of Iceland.

Entry Regulations:Foreign students entering Iceland from non-Nordic and non-EU countries must submit documents proving that they have been admitted to an Icelandic higher education institution and evidence that they are financially self-sufficient. They must also register with the Immigration Office.

Application to Individual Institution:Yes

top Recognition of Studies

System of Recognition

The Minister of Education, Science and Culture grants accreditation to higher education institutions that fulfil the criteria laid down in national legislation as well as internationally accepted criteria. The Quality Board for Icelandic Higher Education has issued a Quality Enhancement Framework (QEF) that includes various elements of quality assurance and enhancement such as reviews at institutional and subject levels as well as continuing and additional accreditation of HEIs.
Recognition of studies completed and credentials awarded in Iceland is the responsibility of the higher education authority concerned. In 2003, the five Nordic ENIC/NARIC offices (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) established a regional network named Nordic National Recognition Information Centres (NORRIC) to initiate joint Nordic projects to learn from each other and reduce barriers to the recognition of foreign qualifications in the Nordic region (

Special Provisions for Recognition

For Access to University Level Studies:Recognition of foreign Certificates and Degrees is usually dealt with on an individual basis by the Institution in question. The minimum entrance requirement for foreign students applying for admission to an Icelandic University is a pass in their School Leaving Certificate from a Scandinavian secondary school or European equivalent. Students from the USA must have completed the sophomore year of a Liberal Arts College programme.

Multilateral Agreements

Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Lisbon, 11 April 1997 (2001)

Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019. (2022)

top Student Life

Social Security/Health Insurance for Home Students

Is there social security:Yes

Social Security/Health Insurance for Foreign Students

Is there social security:Yes

top Credentials


Description:The studentspróf secondary school credential is awarded after four years of study in upper secondary schools and technical secondary schools. It gives access to higher education


Description:Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 30–120 ECTS credits of an organised study programme.

Credential required for entry:Stúdentspróf

Type of institution where credential is offered:Háskóli (University)
Kennaraháskóli (University of Education)
Landbúnadarháskóli (Agricultural University)
Listaháskóli (Academy of the Arts)


Description:Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 180–240 ECTS credits of an organised study programme.

Credential required for entry:Stúdentspróf

Viðbótarpróf á meistarastigi

Description:Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 30–120 ECTS credits of an organised study programme at the second cycle of higher education. It does not include a research project, or the project is less than 30 ECTS credits. Examples of degrees and qualifications at this stage (2.1.) are: MPA, MBA, Diploma at Master level, Candidatus degree, etc. Although it does not allow holders to enter a doctoral programme, they may go on to a Master's programme which in turn can lead to doctoral programme entry.

Credential required for entry:Bakkalárpróf

Type of institution where credential is offered:Háskóli (University)
Kennaraháskóli (University of Education)
Landbúnadarháskóli (Agricultural University)
Listaháskóli (Academy of the Arts)


Description:Qualification obtained at a higher education institution where the holder has completed 30–120 ECTS credits of an organised study programme at the second cycle of higher education. A Master´s degree includes a research project of at least 30 ECTS credits, and can lead to a doctoral degree.

Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown

Credential required for entry:Bakkalárpróf
Viðbótarpróf á meistarastigi

Type of institution where credential is offered:Háskóli (University)
Kennaraháskóli (University of Education)
Landbúnadarháskóli (Agricultural University)
Listaháskóli (Academy of the Arts)


Description:Qualification from a higher education institution where the holder has completed at least 180 ECTS credits of an organised study programme at the third cycle of higher education. A Doctoral degree shall include a research project that fulfils international criteria for a Doctoral thesis.

Credential required for entry:Meistarapróf

Type of institution where credential is offered:Háskóli (University)
Kennaraháskóli (University of Education)
Landbúnadarháskóli (Agricultural University)
Listaháskóli (Academy of the Arts)

top Data Provided by





IAU from the websites of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture and the NORRIC Network, May 2020. Bodies updated September 2023.

Updated on 14-05-2020