Slovak Republic
Types of HEIs
1 : Univerzita : University
2 : Vysoká škola : College
3 : Akadémia : Academy
Pre-Higher Education System
Basic First Stage : základná škola I. stupeň (Elementary School First Stage)
Length of program:4
Age level from:6
Age level to:9
Basic Second Stage : základná škola II. stupeň (Elemenary School Second Stage)
Length of program:5
Age level from:10
Age level to:14
General Secondary : Gymnázium
Length of program:4
Age level from:15
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške (Secondary School Leaving Certificate).
Ten years of education are compulsory. Pre-basic education starts at 3 years of age but is not compulsory. Basic education is divided into two stages of four and five years respectively. Secondary education is provided by the following types of schools: 1.Gymnasium: Provides general secondary education and prepares for further study at universities and other higher education institutions. 2.Specialized Secondary School: Prepares students for vocational education and for study at higher education institutions. 3.Conservatories: Conservatories are a special type of professional school that provides courses in such fields as singing, music, dancing and dramatic arts. 4.Vocational Secondary School: Prepares students for occupations requiring higher level vocational education and a School Leaving Certificate. Students may continue their studies at higher education institutions. 5. Apprentice Training Centres: Prepare school-leavers for professional activities.
Higher Education System
Higher education institutions are legal entities. They include public, state and private higher education institutions. They provide higher education within the framework of accredited study programmes.
According to Law No 131/2002 of 21 February on Higher Education, they provide higher education at three levels. The first level leads to the degree of Bakalár; the second level, complete higher education, leads to the academic degrees of Magister, Inžinier, Doktor lekárstva; and the third level leads to the Doctorate/PhD.
Law 269/2018 on Quality Assurance in Higher Education (2018)
Description:Setting up of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education
Law 131/2002 on Higher Education (2002)
Slovak, English
University level first stage : Bakalárske štúdium (Bachelor studies).
Description:Bachelor study programmes aim at the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science and art, and at mastering their use in exercising a profession or in following-up higher education studies. The first stage usually lasts for three or four years, covering all disciplines except Medicine. After completion, graduates are granted certificates and awarded the degree of "Bakalár".
University level second stage : Magisterské, Inžinierske, Doktorské štúdium (Master, Engineer or Doctor studies)
Description:The Magister (short term) lasts from 1 to 3 years following a Bachelor's degree. The Magister (long-term) last from 5 to 6 years following upon the Maturita. Alternatively, other degrees such as Inžinier or Doktor všeobecného lekárstva can be awarded according to the study field under the same conditions.
University level third stage : Doktorandské štúdium (PhD studies).
Description:PhD studies require 3 to 4 years of full-time study, or five years of part-time study. Admission requirements are the completion of complete university studies at the second level.
Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu Slovenskej republiky
Role:Responsible for elementary, secondary and higher education, educational facilities, lifelong learning, science, and for the State's support for sports and youth.
Street:Stromová 1
PostCode:813 30
Tel:+421(2) 5937 4111
Contacts:Branislav Gröhling (Head), Job title : Minister
Street:Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Prírodovedecká fakulta Mlynská dolina Ilkovičova 6
PostCode:842 15
Tel:+421(2) 6029 6323
Contacts:Martin Putala (Head), Job title : President
Slovenská akreditačná agentúra pre vysoké školstvo
Role:Created in 2020, replacing the Akreditačná komisia (Accreditation Committee) and is tasked with performing external quality assurance activities in higher education
Street:Nám. slobody 6943/11 PO Box 7
City:Bratislava 15
PostCode:811 06
Contacts:Robert Redhammer (Head), Job title : Chair
Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra - SAIA
Role:Non-governmental non-profit organisation implementing programmes and providing services aimed at enhancement of civil society, and assisting in internationalisation of education and research in Slovakia since 1990.
Street:Sasinkova 10
City:Bratislava 1
PostCode:812 20
Tel:+421(2) 5930 4700
Fax:+421(2) 5930 4701
Contacts:Michal Fedák (Head), Job title : Executive Director
Slovenská rektorská konferencia
Street:Inštitút SRK Panenská 29
PostCode:811 03
Contacts:- Rudolf Kropil (Head), Job title : President
- Mária Čikešová (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Association of the Carpathian Region Universities - ACRU
Role:The Association has 24 higher education member institutions from Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Hungary and Serbia.
Street:University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice Komenského 73
PostCode:041 81
Contacts:- Paul-Serban Agachi (Head), Job title : President
- Jana Mojžišová (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Stredisko na uznávanie dokladov o vzdelaní
Street:Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic Stromová 1
City:Bratislava 1
PostCode:813 30
Tel:+421(2) 5937 4623
Contacts:Alena Fodorová (Head), Job title : Head of Centre
Street:Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR PO BOX 458 Staré grunty 52
PostCode:842 44
Tel:+421 949 85 5958
Contacts:Filip Šuran (Head), Job title : President
Street:Pražská 11
PostCode:811 04
Tel:+421 948 783 968
Contacts:Juraj Lizák (Head), Job title : Director
Street:Panenská 29
PostCode:811 03
Tel:+421(2) 5910 4201
Fax:+421(2) 5910 4211
Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
Minimum mark:4-pass
Requirement for:All types of institutions or programmes of study at university level.
For capacity reasons, a numerus clausus has been introduced in those fields of study which cannot admit all applicants who meet the conditions. The number of students admitted is the decision of the dean. Numerus clausus are established at institution level and at country/state level.
Definition:A foreign student is any foreign citizen who follows courses at a Slovak higher education institution. The green identity card entitles the holder to permanent residence in the Slovak Republic. The holder has all the rights and duties of the Slovak citizen except the right to vote and the duty of military service. Such a foreigner is no longer considered as a foreign student.
Admission Requirements:Foreign students must have a qualification equivalent to Slovak secondary education and have passed the General Certificate of Education examination or its equivalent. The age limit for admission is 30.
Quotas:No quotas for foreign students.
Language Proficiency:Students must have an adequate knowledge of the Slovak language. Courses are organized by Comenius University in Bratislava. There are examinations at institution level.
Entry Regulations:A valid passport and a visa are required from certain countries.
Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Application to Central Body:No
Recognition of Studies
The Accreditation Commission is the advisory body of the Slovak Government and consists of prominent experts from higher education, scientific and other institutions. Its main purpose is to advise on establishing, amalgamating, dividing or abolishing higher education institutions and faculties.
For Access to University Level Studies:The secondary school leaving examination is recognized for the purpose of further (higher education) studies by the Disrict Office, Department of Education (Okresný úrad, odbor školstva).
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:Academic recognition falls under the jurisdiction of higher education institution which offers the same or similar study program. If there is no such higher education institution in the Slovak Republic, the level of studies is recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, which also acts as the appeal body. The recognition bodies act according to the valid bilateral and multilateral international agreements. For the Exercise of a Profession:Recognition of professional qualifications for regulated professions is coordinated and in most cases also carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic. For other professions, the process of academic recognition applies.Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region - CETS 165 (1999)
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019. (2022)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:No
Details:Health insurance can be provided individually for each student: for example life-insurance at his own expense.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
Description:The Maturita is the minimum requirement for entry to university, along to a university entrance exams, It is a school leaving certificate from: 1. Gymnasium, 2. secondary specialized school, 3. secondary vocational school, 4. conservatoire.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Description:First degree awarded to students who have completed a course of three or four years' duration.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown
Credential required for entry:Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Doktor lekárstva/ Magister/ Inžinier
Description:Degree awarded after five to six years' study, which combines the bachelor and the postgraduate study program, most usually in medical and engineering fields. The medical fields (human, dental and veterinary medicine) are currently organized in this form and lead to an award of "Doktor všeobecného lekárstva" (abbr. MUDr.), "Doktor zubného lekárstva" (abbr. MDDr.) "Doktor veterinárskeho lekárstva" (abbr. MVDr.) degrees.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown
Credential required for entry:Vysvedčenie o maturitnej skúške
Description:A postgraduate degree awarded after one to three years of study at a higher education institution following the Bachelor's Degree (Bakalár) in engineering or economics. In the field of architecture and urbanism awarded as "Inžinier architekt" (abbr. Ing. arch.)
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown
Credential required for entry:Bakalár
Description:Degree awarded after one to three years of study at a higher education institution followingthe Bachelor's Degree (Bakalár) that enables students to enter study at doctoral level. In artistic study field awarded as "Magister umenia" (abbr. Mgr. art.)
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown
Credential required for entry:Bakalár
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Description:The Doktor (philosophiae doctor) degree is a postgraduate qualification requiring a minimum of three years' study after the "Magister", the "Doktor lekárstva" or the "Inžinier" degree. In artistic fields, the qualification of "Doktor umenia" (artis doctor) is awarded instead, with the acronym ArtD.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:unknown
Credential required for entry:Doktor lekárstva/ Magister/ Inžinier
Type of institution where credential is offered:Univerzita (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas, Bratislava, 2018. Bodies updated July 2022.
Updated on 25-09-2018