

top Types of HEIs

Types of Higher Education Institutions

1 : Ülikool : University

Description:A university is an institution of higher education and research that has the right to grant academic degrees at the Bachelor`s (bakalaureus), Master’s (magister) and Doctoral (doktor) levels in several fields of study. Universities may also provide professional higher education programmes.

2 : Rakenduskōrgkool : Professional Higher Education Institution

Description:Professional higher education institutions (rakenduskõrgkoolid) provide first-cycle higher education programmes, but may also offer Master’s level (magister) programmes and post-secondary vocational education programmes in the fields of their specialization. A professional higher education institution may independently provide master´s programmes in the fields of theology, public security and national defence, master´s programmes in other fields may be provided in collaboration with a university.

top Pre-Higher Education System

Age of



Structure of School System

Basic : Basic School/ Põhikool

Length of program:9

Age level from:7

Age level to:16

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Põhikooli lõputunnistus (Certificate of Basic Education)

General Secondary : General Secondary School / Gymnasium

Length of program:3

Age level from:16

Age level to:19

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Certificate of General Secondary Education)

Vocational Secondary : Vocational Education Institution

Length of program:3

Age level from:16

Age level to:19

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus (Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education)

Vocational : Vocational education institution

Age level from:16

Age level to:18

Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Neljanda taseme kutseõppe lõputunnistus (Certificate of Vocational Education Level 4) - vocational education based on basic education.

Description of School System

General education is divided into two parts: basic education (Grades 1-9: age 7 to 16) which is compulsory for all children in Estonia and general secondary education. Since 1993, the Põhikooli lõputunnistus (Basic School Leaving Certificate), obtained at the end of basic education, provides a student with the right to continue at the next level which offers two streams (in a further three years): 1) General secondary school/gymnasium education (Grades 10-12) and 2) vocational secondary education. Upon graduation from secondary general education, students obtain the Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Certificate of General Secondary Education) which gives access to higher education. The period of study at general secondary school is three years (Grades 10-12), at the end of which, the students have to take five examinations, whereas at least three of them must be taken as riigieksamid (state examinations). Since 1997 the Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus has been issued together with the Riigieksamitunnistus (State Examination Certificate).
Students who have completed the study programme for vocational secondary education on the basis of basic school education will, upon graduation, obtain a Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus (Certificate of Vocational Secondary Education).

top Higher Education System


The higher education system is binary and consists of universities (ülikool) and professional higher education institutions (rakenduskõrgkool). Since the academic year 2002/2003, the general structure of higher education has been divided into two main cycles. The first cycle is the bachelor’s level (3 to 4 years: 180 to 240 ECTS credits); the second cycle is the master’s level (1 to 2 years: 60 to 120 ECTS credits). For some fields of study, the programmes have been integrated into a single long cycle, following the master’s level qualification (5 to 6 years: 300-360 ECTS credits). The highest stage at universities is doctoral studies (3 to 4 years: 180 to 240 ECTS credits). Professional higher education programmes are first cycle programmes of higher education and correspond to the bachelor’s degree programmes. The duration of studies is 3 to 4.5 years (180 to 270 ECTS credits). The administration of higher education institutions or their study programmes is the responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Research, Estonian Ministry of the Interior and Estonian Ministry of Defence.


Standard of Higher Education (Kõrgharidusstandard) (2019)

Higher Education Act (Kõrgharidusseadus) (2019)

Description:organisation of higher education studies, quality assurance, principles of management of state professional higher education institutions and private higher edu

Languages of Instruction

Estonian, Russian, English

Stages of Higher Education

University level first stage : Bachelor studies

Description:Bachelor’s programmes are first-cycle higher education programmes. The purpose of bachelor studies is to broaden the scope of general education, to develop the basic knowledge and skills required for a certain field of study necessary for continuing at the master’s level or for access to the labour market. The nominal duration of the programmes is generally 3 years (180 ECTS credits), as an exception, it may be up to 4 years (240 ECTS credits). The qualification awarded upon completion of the programme is Bakalaureus. The qualification gives access to master’s programmes. Professional higher education institutions also provide first-cycle higher education programmes. The nominal period of study is 3-4 years (180-240 ECTS credits). Midwifery and specialized nursing studies last 4 1/2 years (270 ECTS credits). Until 2018/2019, the qualification awarded was the Rakenduskõrghariduse diplom (Diploma of Professional Higher Education); as of 2019/2020 the qualification awarded is the Bakalaureusekraad and this can also allow students to continue with a Master's degree.

University level second stage : Magister studies

Description:Master’s programmes are second-cycle higher education programmes. The purpose of master’s level studies is to develop the knowledge and skills required for a certain field of study and to acquire the necessary competences in order to enter the labour market or to continue studies at the doctoral level. The access requirement is a first-cycle higher education qualification. The nominal duration of the programmes is 1 to 2 years (60-120 ECTS credits), but together with the first-cycle studies it is at least 5 years (300 ECTS credits). The qualification awarded upon completion of a Master’s degree programme is Magister. The qualification gives access to doctoral programmes. Integrated bachelor’s and master’s programmes comprise both basic and specialized studies. Such long-cycle programmes are offered in the fields of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine, architecture, civil engineering, and teacher training. The nominal duration of medical studies and of veterinary studies is 6 years (360 ECTS credits). The nominal duration of other integrated programmes is 5 years (300 ECTS credits). The qualification awarded upon completion of an integrated study programme in the fields of pharmacy, architecture, civil engineering, and class-teacher training is Magister, the other qualifications are Arstikraad (in medicine), Hambaarstikraad (in dentistry) and Loomaarstikraad (in veterinary medicine). The qualifications give access to doctoral programmes.

University level third stage : Doktor studies

Description:Doctoral programmes represent higher education of the third cycle, the purpose of which is to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for independent research, development or professional creative work. The access requirement for doctoral studies is a degree of Magister or a corresponding qualification. The nominal period of study is 3 to 4 years (180-240 ECTS credits). The qualification awarded upon completion of doctoral studies is Doktor. The degree of Doktor is a research degree obtained after the completion and public defence of a dissertation (doktoritöö) based on independent scientific research or creative work.

Training of HE Teachers

A cademic staff consists of professors (professor), lecturers (lektor), researchers (teadur) and teachers (õpetaja). Professors must hold a Doctoral degree and have had at least five years' research experience; lecturers must have at least a Master's degree.

Distance Higher Education

It is possible to take some of the university courses through distance learning as part of the regular degree programme.

Education Exchange Programs

ISEP (International Student Exchange Programme)



top Bodies

Governing bodies and other organizations / associations

Eesti Vabariigi Haridus-ja Teadusminsteerium

Role:The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for the planning of education, research, youth and language related national policies and, in conjunction thereof, managing the fields of pre-primary, basic, general upper secondary, vocational secondary, higher, hobby and adult education, organising research and development activities, youth work and special youth work, and compiling drafts of corresponding legal acts.

Street:Munga 18




Contacts:- Liina Kersna (Head), Job title : Minister
- Indrek Reimand (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Deputy Secretary General for Higher Education and Research

Eesti Kõrghariduse Kvaliteediagentuur - EKKA

Role:The responsibility of the agency is to conduct institutional accreditation of higher education institutions and quality assessment of study programme groups. EKKA also provides accreditation of study programme groups in vocational education and training and analyses the evaluation results and makes recommendations for improvement to educational institutions and the Ministry of Education and Research.

Street:Tõnismägi 11




Contacts:Heli Mattisen (Head), Job title : Director

Rektorite Nõukogu

Role:The non-profit association Universities Estonia was established by six Estonian public universities in November 2000. The aim of the association is to contribute to promoting education, research and culture in Estonia through representation of its members.

Street:Ülikooli 18




Contacts:- Mart Kalm (Head), Job title : Chair
- Hanna Kanep (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Executive Secretary

Bodies Responsible for Recognition

Eesti Kõrghariduse Kvaliteediagentuur - EKKA

Role:The responsibility of the agency is to conduct institutional accreditation of higher education institutions and quality assessment of study programme groups. EKKA evaluates the results and makes recommendations for improvement to educational institutions and the Ministry of Education and Research.

Services provided and types of students dealt with:Institutional and study programme groups quality assessment.

Recognition for institution:yes

Recognition for profession:no

Street:Tõnismägi 11




Akadeemilise Tunnustamise Infokeskus (Eesti ENIC/NARIC)

Role:A subdivision of Archimedes Foundation, the Estonian ENIC/NARIC provides information to holders of foreign qualifications on possibilities and gives access: 1) to studies in Estonian institutions or 2) to the Estonian labour market. The Centre also serves as a contact point for professional recognition.

Services provided and types of students dealt with:Assessment of foreign higher education qualifications and qualifications giving access to higher education for the purpose of further studies for undegraduate, graduate and postgraduate students.

Recognition for institution:yes

Recognition for profession:no

Street:Tõnismägi 11




Contacts:Gunnar Vaht (Head), Job title : Head

Student Associations

Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit - EÜL

Role:Eesti Üliõpilaskondade Liit (EÜL) is a federation of Estonian student unions. Their main goal is to represent students’ interests on national level and their main issues are student rights, educational and social issues.

Street:Pärnu mnt 102-21



Tel:+372 640 0422


Bodies Responsible for Financial Aid

Sihtasutus Archimedes

Role:Archimedes Foundation is the implementing body of Erasmus+ programme and administrator of several national and international scholarship schemes for improving mobility and research abroad.

Category of students:Undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students.



Street:Tõnismägi 11



Tel:+372 699 9399


Bodies Responsible for International Cooperation

Eesti Vabariigi Haridus-ja Teadusminsteerium

Role:The course of action of the international cooperation arises from the Estonian membership in the European Union, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Council of Europe and UNESCO. International cooperation includes bilateral cooperation with neighbouring countries and regional cooperation – the Baltic States, Council of the Baltic Sea Statess (CBSS) and the Nordic Council of Ministers. Bilateral cooperation with other countries, especially with third countries, is also very important corroborated by and based on various international agreements.

Street:Munga 18




Sihtasutus Archimedes

Role:Foundation supports actions in the field of academic mobility.

Street:Tõnismägi 11



Tel:+372 699 9399



There is no non-university level higher education in the Estonian education system.

Secondary School Credentials Required for University Level Admission

Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus

Requirement for:Universities and professional higher education institutions.

Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus

Requirement for:Universities and professional higher education institutions.


Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta or Lõputunnistus keskhariduse baasil kutseõppe omandamise kohta which are certificates conferred on completion of secondary vocational education.

Admission Test

Since 1997, students must sit for the state examinations (riigieksamid) to have access to higher education institutions. Depending on the speciality, higher education institutions may require some additional entrance examinations.

Numerus Clausus

In reasoned cases, a university may establish the upper limit for students to be matriculated in the terms for admission by filling student places based on the ranking of the applicants.

Other Requirements

Riigieksamitunnistus (State Examination Certificate)
There is a selection procedure for most higher education institutions and programmes. In general, the results of state examinations passed in a general secondary school (gümnaasium) are accepted as the basis of admission, sometimes an interview or a professional aptitude test is required. It may also include a number of entrance examinations.
Entrance examinations are most commonly set by faculties and approved by the boards of higher education institutions. Prevalent subjects are usually those relevant to the course of study. The basis for the admission decision is usually a combination of state examination results of general subjects and entrance examination results in the subject relevant to the course of study.

Foreign Students Admission

Definition:A student who is studying at an Estonian university and who is the citizen of a foreign country and does not have a permanent residence permit.

Admission Requirements:Applicants must be eligible for higher education in their own country and have a qualification corresponding to an Estonian qualification giving access to higher education. Foreign students must usually apply for admission on the same terms as Estonian students. Specific requirements depend on the higher education institution requirements and on the chosen field of study. These can include entrance examinations, an interview, or minimum marks on the secondary-level school leaving certificate.

Quotas:There are quotas established at the institution level.

Language Proficiency:All applicants need to provide proof of proficiency in the language of a respective study programme. Most international students apply for programmes taught in English, but there are also those who prefer to study in Estonian or Russian. Documented proof is usually not required from native-speakers or from applicants who have completed their previous education in a respective language. In most cases, results of internationally accepted foreign language tests are accepted. Some institutions carry out their own language tests and/or interviews.

Entry Regulations:Citizens of all third countries need a visa for visits that are 3 to 6 months long. A temporary residence permit for study is required if a third country student intends to stay in Estonia for more than three months (in some cases only one month).

Application to Individual Institution:Yes

Application to Central Body:No

top Recognition of Studies

System of Recognition

Since 2009, higher education quality has been assessed by an independent agency Eesti Kõrghariduse Kvaliteediagentuur - EKKA (The Estonian Higher Education Quality Agency). With the Higher Education Act of 2019 a new method in external evaluation - thematic evaluation - was introduced. This allows institutions to take stock, share best practices and receive independent feedback and recommendations from experts. They look at such things such as relevence, teaching methods, student assessment, development of students’ key
competencies, involvement of students from all cycles of higher education in research. In addition to the thematic evaluation, institutions have an obligation to undergo institutional accreditation at least once every seven years or within a term specified by EKKA. The institutional accreditation is an external evaluation during which management, administration, academic and research activites, and academic and research environment are assessed.

The Estonian ENIC/NARIC (Academic Recognition Information Centre) is responsible for evaluating foreign qualifications.

Special Provisions for Recognition

For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:State recognised diploma is required which will be provided after accreditation.

For the Exercise of a Profession:State recognised diploma is required which will be provided after accreditation.

Multilateral Agreements

Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (1998)

Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Estonia and the Government of Ukraine on the academic recognition of educational qualifications (1997)

Agreements between the Governments of the Republic of Estonia, Republic of Latvia and Republic of Lithuania on the academic recognition of educational qualifications in the Baltic Educational Space (2000)

Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019 (2021)

Other Info Sources

Higher education institutions and employers take the final decision concerning recognition of foreign qualifications.

top Student Life

Social Security/Health Insurance for Home Students

Is there social security:Yes

Social Security/Health Insurance for Foreign Students

Is there social security:No

Details:EU citizens should have valid health insurance in their home country during their studies in Estonia, and may apply for the EU health insurance card (EHIC) in their home country before arriving in Estonia.
Students from Non-EU/EEA countries have to obtain internationally valid private health insurance.
Foreign students are covered by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund (Haigekassa) only if they are employed in Estonia or have the right to permanent residence or a long-term residence permit.

Special Travel Concessions

By Road:Yes

By Rail:Yes

By Air:Yes

Available to Foreign Students:Yes

Student Expenses and Aid

National Students - Min Tuition Fees:0 Euro

Publications Listing Financial Aid

More information is available at Study in Estonia website at

Year of publication:0

top Credentials

Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus

Description:The Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus is a qualification awarded after completion of general secondary education (12 years of study). The certificate is valid with the state examination certificate – Riigieksamitunnistus. The certificate gives students the right to continue their education at university or another higher education institution.

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:no

Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus

Description:Vocational and secondary education and gives access to higher education.

Kutseerihariduse lõputunnistus

Description:Specialised vocational education, gives access to higher education.

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:no


Description:The Bakalaureus is a degree awarded after the graduation of first cycle of a higher education programme. The nominal length of Bakalaureus programme is generally three years (180 ECTS credits), in a few disciplines it is four years (240 ECTS credits). The thesis or the final examination should form no less than 5 ECTS credits of the extent of the study programme. The purpose of studies is to increase the students’ level of general education, so that they will be able to acquire the basic knowledge and skills within their field of study, to obtain the competencies necessary for master’s studies. Holders of the degree of Bakalaureus are eligible for the second cycle higher education programme.

Acronym:BA; BSc

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes

Credential required for entry:Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus

Type of institution where credential is offered:Ülikool (University)


Description:Professional higher education programmes are provided by both professional higher education institutions and universities. Professional higher education is the first cycle of higher education the purpose of which is to acquire the competencies necessary for working in the relevant profession or for continuing studies at master’s level. The nominal length of studies is 3 to 4.5 years (180-270 ECTS credits). The thesis or the final examination should form no less than 5 ECTS credits of the extent of the study programme. Graduates have the right to continue towards the Master's degree. Until the academic year 2019/20202 the diploma was known as Rakenduskōrghariduse diplom.

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes

Credential required for entry:Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus
Kutseerihariduse lõputunnistus

Type of institution where credential is offered:Ülikool (University)
Rakenduskōrgkool (Professional Higher Education Institution)

Arstikraad; Hambaarstikraad; Loomaarstikraad

Description:The degrees of Arstikraad (Degree in Medicine, 6 years); Hambaarstikraad (Degree in Dentistry, 5 years) and Loomaarstikraad (Degree in Veterinary Medicine, 6 years) are awarded after long cycle studies in a 5 to 6 year integrated study programme. The qualifications correspond to the degree of Magister and give access to doctoral studies.

Acronym:MD; DD; DVM

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes

Credential required for entry:Kutsekeskhariduse lõputunnistus
Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus

Type of institution where credential is offered:Ülikool (University)


Description:Magister study is the second cycle of higher education during which specialised knowledge and skills are further developed and knowledge and skills necessary for independent work and pursuing studies at the doctoral level are acquired. The main purpose of the magister studies is to train specialists with advanced theoretical knowledge. The nominal length of studies is one to two years (60-120 ECTS credits) but along with the first cycle at least five years (300 ECTS credits). The thesis or the final examination should form no less than 15 ECTS of the total number of credits required. The degree of Magister is awarded also upon completion of an integrated long cycle programme in the fields of pharmacy, architecture, civil engineering, and class-teacher training with a nominal duration at least 5 years.

Acronym:MA; MSc; MBA

Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes

Credential required for entry:Bakalaureusekraad

Type of institution where credential is offered:Ülikool (University)
Rakenduskōrgkool (Professional Higher Education Institution)


Description:The Doktor is a research degree awarded after graduation from a third cycle programme. Doctoral studies constitute the highest cycle of higher education aimed at acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for independent research, development or professional creative activity. The nominal length of studies is three to four years (180-240 ECTS credits). Graduates who have completed their studies are awarded a degree of Filosoofiadoktor (Doctor of Philosophy).


Entrance exam test at National level:no

Entrance exam test at Institution level:yes

Credential required for entry:Arstikraad; Hambaarstikraad; Loomaarstikraad

Type of institution where credential is offered:Ülikool (University)

top Data Provided by





IAU from Estonian ENIC/NARIC documents, May 2020. Bodies updated November 2021.

Updated on 25-05-2020