Types of HEIs
1 : Sveučilište : University
2 : Veleučilište : Polytechnic
3 : Visoka škole : College
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Osnovna škola
Length of program:8
Age level from:6
Age level to:14
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Razredna svjedodzba
Secondary : Gimnazija
Length of program:4
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Secondary : Umjetnička škola (Art school)
Length of program:4
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Svjedodžba o zavrsnom ispitu
Vocational Secondary : Strukovna škola (Vocational School)
Length of program:1-5
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu and a vocational qualification.
Eight-year primary education is compulsory and free for all children from the age of six to fourteen. It is divided into two stages: the first stage includes classes from one to four, the second stage from five to eight.
Secondary education is provided by secondary school institutions (gymnasiums, vocational schools and art schools) and other legal entities. It comprises various types and forms of instruction, education, qualification and training as defined in the Primary and Secondary School Education Act (Official Gazette 87/08, 86/09, 92/10, 105/10, 90/11, 5/12, 16/12, 86/12, 126/12, 94/13).
Higher Education System
Croatian higher education is regulated by the Scientific Activity and Higher Education Act which came into force in August 2003. The Act established a binary system composed of professional education offered at polytechnics (veleučilišta), schools of professional higher education (visoke škole) and universities (sveučilišta), and academic education solely conducted in universities. Only universities can offer third-cycle education (postgraduate studies). Private and public higher education institutions are treated equally. Public higher education institutions are those established by the state. Private universities, polytechnics and schools of professional higher education can be established as prescribed in the law and regulations relating to the establishment of institutions. The Act on Academic and Professional Titles and Academic Degrees was passed in September 2007. It established an overarching system of titles for students graduating from Bologna study programmes, as well as a framework for comparison of pre-Bologna and Bologna titles. Higher education is organized according to the system of transferable credits (ECTS) and has three levels: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. At the end of each level, a final qualification (certificate or diploma) is awarded together with the Diploma supplement. In 2004, the Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE) was created to be in charge of quality assurance and quality improvement in the fields of science and higher education. With the enactment of the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education in April 2009, ASHE became an independent public institution responsible for external quality assurance and development in the fields of science and higher education and in charge of carrying out procedures of initial accreditation, re-accreditation, thematic evaluation and audit. The Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education stipulates that all public and private higher education institutions are subject to re-accreditation in five-year cycles.
With the introduction of the state graduation examination, the Central Applications Office (CAO) was established as a part of ASHE to serve as the national centre for processing applications at higher education institutions and consolidating the related procedures.
Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education (2009)
Description:Quality assurance in science and higher education (accreditation, reaccreditation, external evaluation of HEIs)
Act on Academic and Professional Titles and Academic Degrees (2007)
Description:Regulates titles awarded upon finishing higher education study programmes and gives a framework for comparison of pre-Bologna and Bologna titles
Act on Scientific Activity and Higher Education (amended 2004) (2003)
Description:Higher education and Science
Croatian, English
Non-university level : Associate Degree; Specialist
Description:Undergraduate level: Studies can last 2 to 4 years. Upon completion students are awarded an associate degree (2 years) or a professional baccalaureate (3-4 years) specifying the title of the profession. The graduates obtain 120-240 ECTS and are allowed to continue their studies at graduate level. Graduate level: Study can last for 1 or 2 years and graduates obtain 60-120 ECTS, or a minimum of 300 ECTS together with undergraduate level study. Upon completion, students are awarded a title of specialist of the respective profession. Students can continue their studies at graduate university level study or enter the labour market but they do not have the right to enter postgraduate studies.
University level first stage : Baccalaureaus
Description:Universities offer 3-4-year courses at undergraduate level leading to a degree of university baccalaureaus after accumulating 180 - 240 ECTS credits. This qualifies students for specialized, artistic or scientific work. They can continue their studies at graduate level studies or enter the labour market.
University level second stage : Magistar/Magistra
Description:Universities offer 1-2-year graduate courses leading to the degree of Magistar/Magistra after accumulating a minimum of 300 ECTS credit points. In some fields, integrated 5- or 6-year courses are offered (medical studies, law, pharmacy…) and specific titles are awarded (e.g.Doctor in (Dental) Medicine). Graduates can continue their studies at postgraduate level or enter the labour market.
University level third stage : University Specialist Degree; Doctor of Sciences/Arts .
Description:The University Specialist Degree is awarded after one to two years of postgraduate university studies and 60-120 ECTS credit points. The title of Doctor of Sciences (Dr.Sc.) or the Doctor of Arts (in Arts field) are awarded after three years of doctoral study and upon defence of a doctoral thesis. It is equivalent to a PhD degree.
Qualified candidates (holding at least a Master degree) are appointed to the positions of asistent (assistant), visi asistent (senior assistant), predavac (lecturer), viši predavac (senior lecturer), docent (assistant professor), izvanredni profesor (associate professor) and redovni profesor (full professor). Lektor (lecturer) and visi lektor (senior lecturer) are language specialists in institutions offering foreign language and literature courses. A retired full professor is eligible for the title of Profesor Emeritus. Candidates for the title of university professor are required to satisfy the requirements for an appointment to the relevant lecturing/academic grade as stipulated by the law
Erasmus Mundus
Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja
Street:Donje Svetice 38
Contacts:Radovan Fuchs (Head), Job title : Minister
Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanj - AZVO
Role:Specialized institution that carries out professional tasks related to the assessment of scientific activity in higher education, and the recognition of foreign qualifications through the ENIC-NARIC (established within the Agency).
Street:Donje Svetice 38/V
Contacts:Danijela Horvatek Tomić (Head), Job title : Director
Role:Promotion of science, higher education and technological development in the Republic of Croatia with the basic aims of ensuring economic development and stimulate employment.
Street:Ilica 24
Contacts:Ozren Polašek (Head), Job title : Director
Rektorski zbor Republike Hrvatske
Role:Coordinates the activities and participates in the development of higher education.
Street:Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
Contacts:- Dragan Ljutić (Head), Job title : President
- Paula Pavletić (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary
Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje, Croatian ENIC/NARIC office
Role:Recognition for the purpose of employment in Croatia (professional recognition).
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Donje Svetice 38/V
Contacts:Katarina Jagunić Šimić (Head), Job title : Head of Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office
Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje - AZOO
Role:Recognition of qualifications attesting to the completion of primary education and general, gymnasium and art secondary education programmes (for the purpose of employment or continuing education).
Recognition for institution:no
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Donje Svetice 38
Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih - ASOO
Role:Recognition of qualifications attesting to the completion of vocational secondary education programmes (for the purpose of employment or continuing education).
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:yes
Street:Amruševa 4
Street:Vijeće studenata Veleučilišta Vukovarska 68
Admission to Higher Education
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Requirement for:All programmes. Decided after processing all results of State Graduation Examination. It can differ each year.
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Requirement for:All programmes
All programmes. Minimum marks are decided after processing all results from the State Graduation Examination and can differ each year. For certain study programmes (e.g. in Arts) additional requirements can be requested.
No admission test. Some higher education institutions may, however, require mandatory additional tests as part of their admission procedure.
Mandatory requirements for some higher education institutions: additional test of knowledge, skills and competences (i.e. art academies, dentistry), medical certificate (i.e. medicine, veterinary medicine), passing certain subjects during secondary education, motivational interview, etc.
Definition:A student with citizenship other than Croatian.
Admission Requirements:Foreign students need a certified copy of their school-leaving certificate and any required secondary education documents submitted in their English translation. The certificate must be validated by the Ministry of Science and Education.
Quotas:Foreign students with EU citizenship are covered by the same quotas for Croatian students. Other foreign students are covered by another set of quotas.
Health:Health insurance is required.
Language Proficiency:Foreign students who do not speak Croatian or do not have a certificate of Croatian language proficiency are requested to complete a 2-semester course in the Croatian language and sit for a final examination.
Entry Regulations:A student visa is required
Application to Individual Institution:Yes
Application to Central Body:No
Recognition of Studies
Recognition is a formal acknowledgment of the value of a foreign education qualification or period of study, issued by the competent authority, for the purpose of the continuation of education or employment.
Recognition is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education (for general employment purpose) or by the competent authorities (ministries or professional organizations) for employment in certain regulated profession. Recognition is regulated by the Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (Official Gazette, 124/2009, 45/2011) which regulate questions of recognition of foreign professional qualifications in the Republic of Croatia for the purpose of establishing and free provision of services on a temporary and occasional basis in the Republic of Croatia on the basis of foreign professional qualifications and the Act on Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications (Official Gazette, no. 158/2003, 198/2003, 138/2006 and 045/2011).
Croatian citizens, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship are entitled to the recognition of foreign education qualifications.
Competent authorities responsible for the recognition of different types of qualifications:
Recognition of primary and secondary school qualifications:
a) Recognition of qualifications attesting to the completion of primary education and general, gymnasium and secondary art education programmes (for the purpose of employment or continuing education) – falls under the authority of Education and Teacher Training Agency;
b) Recognition of qualifications attesting to the completion of vocational secondary education programmes (for the purpose of employment or continuing education) – falls under the authority of Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education;
c) Recognition for the purpose of continuing primary or secondary education – falls under the authority of the school where the applicant wishes to pursue his/her education;
d) Recognition of primary education for the purpose of access to secondary education – falls under the authority of the secondary school where the applicant wishes to pursue his/her education.
Recognition of higher education qualifications and a period of study:
a) for the purpose of continuing education in Croatia (academic recognition and recognition of periods of study) – falls under the authority of Croatian universities, polytechnics and colleges;
b) for the purpose of employment in Croatia (professional recognition) – falls under the authority of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office.
Recognition of specializations and professional examinations – falls under the authority of a relevant ministry and professional organizations.
For Access to University Level Studies:Academic recognition (for continuing education in the Republic of Croatia) is under the authority of Croatian higher education institutions (Croatian universities, polytechnics and colleges) and is based on the .Act on Recognition of Foreign Educational Qualifications (Official Gazette, no. 158/2003, 198/2003, 138/2006 and 045/2011)
For the Exercise of a Profession:Recognition is carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education (for employment for general purpose) or by the competent authorities (ministries or professional organizations) for employment in certain regulated profession. Act on Regulated Professions and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications (Official Gazette, 124/2009, 45/2011) regulates the question of recognition of foreign professional qualifications in the Republic of Croatia for the purpose of establishment and free provision of services on a temporary and occasional basis in the Republic of Croatia on the basis of foreign professional qualifications.Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (2001)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region (1979)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the States Bordering the Mediterranean (1976)
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (1997)
Global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education. Paris, 25 November 2019. (2021)
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Cost/fee (per year):0 Croatian Kuna
Is there social security:No
Details:Health insurance is compulsory to get a residence permit. Students are advised to take out a health insurance policy in their own country before coming to Croatia. It is also possible to take out insurance in Croatia with one of the local insurance companies. It is recommendable to contact your local health insurance to see if there is a health insurance agreement signed between the Republic of Croatia and your country.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
By Air:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
Study In Croatia
Year of publication:0
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Description:This certificate is the Secondary School Leaving Certificate awarded to secondary school pupils having passed the State Matura, the final examination at general secondary schools (Gymnasiums). It comprises results of the mandatory subjects of the State Graduation Examination (which, besides mandatory subjects, consists of elective subjects that pupils take depending on the study programme they want to apply to). From the academic year 2010/2011, the State Graduation Examination will be the only entrance requirement for most higher education institutions (HEIs) in Croatia (some HEIs will, besides the State Graduation Examination, also have examinations in specific skills and competences for certain study programmes, e.g. art studies).
Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu
Description:Secondary School Leaving Certificate awarded to secondary school pupils upon finishing vocational or art secondary schools, after 10 to 12 years of study in total (or 2-4 years after primary education).
Svjedodžba stručnog studija - stručni pristupnik
Description:Stručni pristupnik – upon finishing undergraduate professional study, which normally lasts less than three years and awards fewer than 180 ECTS credits, a student shall earn the professional title stručni pristupnik or stručna pristupnica with reference to the field of study.
Credential required for entry:Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Veleučilište (Polytechnic)
Visoka škole (College)
Diploma preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija - sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus)
Description:Sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) – upon finishing undergraduate university study, which normally lasts three or four years and awards 180-240 ECTS credits, a student shall earn the academic title sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) or sveučilišna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) with reference to the field of study. Exceptionally, students graduating from technical sciences are awarded the academic title sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer or sveučilišna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) inženjerka (univ. bacc. ing.) with reference to the field of study. Students can continue their studies at the graduate level or enter the labour market.
Acronym:univ. bacc.
Credential required for entry:Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Diploma stručnog studija - stručni prvostupnik (baccalaureus)
Description:Stručni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) - upon completion of undergraduate professional study, which lasts three years or more and awards 180 ECTS credits or more, students are awarded the professional title of stručni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) or stručna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) with a reference to the field of study. Exceptionally, students graduating from technical sciences are awarded the professional title stručni prvostupnik (baccalaureus) inženjer or stručna prvostupnica (baccalaurea) inženjerka (bacc. ing.) with reference to the field of study. Students can continue their studies at the specialist professional graduate level, graduate university level (under certain conditions) or enter the labour market.
Credential required for entry:Svjedodžba o završnom ispitu
Svjedodžba o državnoj maturi
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Veleučilište (Polytechnic)
Visoka škole (College)
Diploma diplomskog sveučilišnog studija - magistar
Description:Magistar – upon finishing 1-2 years of graduate university level study and completion of a specific number of credits (60-120 ECTS) or integrated undergraduate and graduate university study and the completion of minimum of 300 ECTS credits, a student shall earn the academic title magistar or magistra with reference to the field of study. Exceptionally, students graduating from technical sciences are awarded the academic title magistar inženjer or magistra inženjerka (mag. ing.) with reference to the field of study, and students graduating in the fields of medicine, dental medicine or veterinary medicine are awarded the academic title doktor or doktorica (dr.) with reference to the field of study. Students can continue their studies at postgraduate university level studies or enter the labour market.
Credential required for entry:Diploma preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija - sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Diploma poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija - sveučilišni specijalist
Description:Sveučilišni specijalist – upon finishing the graduate specialist study, which normally lasts one to two years and awards 60-120 ECTS credits, a student shall earn the academic title sveučilišni specijalist or sveučilišna specijalistica with reference to the field of study. It can be considered as an Advanced Master's Degree.
Acronym:univ. spec.
Credential required for entry:Diploma diplomskog sveučilišnog studija - magistar
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Diploma specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija - stručni specijalist
Description:Sveučilišni specijalist – upon finishing the graduate specialist study, which normally lasts one to two years and awards 60-120 ECTS credits (minimum 300 ECTS with undergraduate level study), a student shall earn the academic title sveučilišni specijalist or sveučilišna specijalistica with reference to the field of study. Exceptionally, students graduating from technical sciences are awarded the professional title stručni specijalist inženjer or stručna specijalistica inženjerka (struč. spec. ing.) with reference to the field of study, and students graduating in the fields of medicine, dental medicine or veterinary medicine are awarded the professional title diplomirani or diplomirana (dipl.) with reference to the field of study, which can be used together with the title earned upon the completion of professional or university undergraduate study.
Acronym:struč. spec.
Credential required for entry:Diploma stručnog studija - stručni prvostupnik (baccalaureus)
Diploma preddiplomskog sveucilisnog studija - sveučilišni prvostupnik (baccalaureus)
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Veleučilište (Polytechnic)
Visoka škole (College)
Diploma poslijediplomskog sveučilišnog studija - doktor znanosti/doktor umjetnosti
Description:The academic degree of Doktor znanosti (Doctor of Science) or Doktor umjetnosti (Doctor of Arts) is conferred after three years of postgraduate studies at the university level and after the defence of a major thesis. It is the highest qualification awarded in Croatia.
Acronym:dr. sc./dr. art.
Credential required for entry:Diploma diplomskog sveučilišnog studija - magistar
Type of institution where credential is offered:Sveučilište (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from the websites of Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office and the Agency for Science and Higher Education, May 2020. Bodies updated August 2024.
Updated on 27-05-2020