Types of HEIs
1 : Universität : University
Description:Higher education institution for scientific education.
2 : Fachhochschulen : Universities of Applied Sciences
Description:Higher education institution for scientific professional education.
3 : Pädagogische Hochschule : University College of Teacher Education
Description:Higher education institution for education of teachers in cooperation with universities.
Pre-Higher Education System
Primary : Primarstufe/Volksschule
Length of program:4
Age level from:6
Age level to:10
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Abschlusszeugnis Certificate
Lower Secondary : Hauptschule/Neue Mittelschule/Sekundarstufe I
Length of program:4
Age level from:10
Age level to:14
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Abschlusszeugnis Certificate
Academic Secondary : Allgemein bildende höhere Schulen, Gymnasium/Sekundarstufen I und II
Length of program:8
Age level from:10
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Reifeprüfung Certificate
Upper Secondary : Oberstufenrealgymnasium/Sekundarstufe II
Length of program:5
Age level from:14
Age level to:18
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Reifeprüfung Certificate
Vocational Secondary : Berufsbildende mittlere Schule/Sekundarstufe II
Length of program:3
Age level from:14
Age level to:17
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Berufsschulzeugnius / Vocational Diploma
Vocational Secondary : Berufsbildende höhere Schule/Sekundarstufe II
Length of program:5
Age level from:14
Age level to:19
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Reife- und Diplomprüfung Certificate/TVE Diploma
Prevocational : Polytechnische Schule
Length of program:1
Age level from:14
Age level to:15
Certificate/Diploma awarded at end:Abschlusszeugnis Certificate
1. Compulsory schooling. Compulsory education starts at the age of six and extends over nine school years, including primary and lower secondary education plus a year of pre-school (which is not compulsory) or a year of pre-vocational school. Primary education lasts for four years. In the first 4 school years (primary stage) children attend primary school (Volksschule, VS), including special forms for mentally and physically disadvantaged children. Transfer to lower secondary schooling requires successful completion of grade four of primary school. Admission to academic secondary school depends on achievement or is conditional on an admission test. With the exception of education in private schools, compulsory schooling is free of charge. Secondary education is divided into academic secondary school (lower and upper stage, Unterstufe und Oberstufe), which lasts for 8 years (grades 5 to 12), and lower secondary school, which lasts for four years (grades 5 to 8), and upper secondary school, which also lasts for four years (grades 9 to 12). During grades 5 to 8 (lower secondary stage), children attend either general secondary school (Neue Mittelschule, NMS) or the lower stage of an academic secondary school (allgemein bildende höhere Schule, AHS-U). In the 9th year of schooling, compulsory schooling is completed by pupils’ attendance of either a pre-vocational secondary school (Polytechnische Schule, PTS), which continues from year 8 of schooling and lasts one year (grade 9); or by pupils’ attendance of one or the other of the schools listed above: a middle or upper stage secondary school. Transfer to one of the different courses in the general or technical and vocational education sector requires successful completion of grade eight and is also based on achievement. Vocational secondary education lasts for five years.
2. Post-compulsory schooling. After completion of compulsory schooling, several different pathways are open to young people: in principle, two types of schooling are on offer: general upper secondary schooling (with more of an academic bent), or vocational upper secondary schooling. Within the general system of education, and after completing their compulsory schooling, pupils may either continue to attend the upper stage (Oberstufe) of Allgemein bildende höhere Schulen, which comprises four years (grades 9 to 12), or switch to another AHS that offers upper secondary stage only (Oberstufenform). AHS comes in a variety of types: Gymnasium (with an emphasis on arts subjects); Realgymnasium (with an emphasis on mathematics and the natural sciences); and wirtschaftskundliches Realgymnasium (with an emphasis on business studies, economics and applied sciences) – all these cover the full eight years of lower and upper stages; while the Oberstufenrealgymnasium (ORG) is of four years duration (grades 9 to 12), and caters for pupils from 9th to 12th year of schooling. All kinds are completed by the school leaving examination (Reifeprüfung or Matura). In vocational schooling, three different educational paths may be distinguished: Austria has a dual system of training by which in-house practical training (i. e. apprenticeship, after the grade 9) is accompanied by attendance at a compulsory vocational upper secondary school called berufsbildende Pflichtschule (BPS) for a period of 2 to 4 years (3 years as a rule). Classroom tuition may be organised to take place all the year round, or in course form, or seasonally. After the end of apprenticeship, an examination called Lehrabschlussprüfung may be taken. At present, there are more than 250 recognised trades and occupations in Austria where this dual system of training (apprenticeship and BPS) applies. Immediately after grade 8, pupils may opt to switch to a berufsbildende mittlere Schule (BMS: vocational middle secondary school), which may last for 1 to 4 years (depending on the chosen direction or subject area); or they may switch to a vocational secondary school (berufsbildende höhere Schule, BHS), which lasts 5 years (grades 9 to 13) and is completed by the school leaving examination, which comprises also a diploma examination (Reife- und Diplomprüfung). Both those educational paths, then, result in vocational qualifications and inculcate general knowledge; there is a great variety of subject areas. The main branches are: commercial schooling: Handelsschule (HAS), duration 3 years (grades 9 to 11); and Handelsakademie (HAK), duration 5 years (grades 9 to 13). Schooling to do with technical skills, trades, and arts and crafts: Technische oder gewerbliche (trade) Fachschule (FT), duration 3 or 4 years; grades 9 to 11/12); and höhere technische oder gewerbliche Lehranstalt (HTL), duration 5 years (grades 9 to 13). Other types of schooling impart skills and knowledge in commerce and some trades: Fachschule für wirtschaftliche Berufe (FW); Fachschule für Mode und Bekleidungstechnik (FM: vocational schools for fashion and garments); tourism (Tourismusfachschule); hotel management (Hotelfachschule); health services and care (Fachschule für Sozialberufe). For all of them the duration is 3 years (grades 9 to 11). Also, there are a number of vocational upper secondary schools of 5 years’ duration (grades 9 to 13): Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe (HLW); Höhere Lehranstalt für Mode und Bekleidungstechnik (HLM); Höhere Lehranstalt für Tourismus (HLT). Schools specialising in agriculture and forestry include landwirtschaftliche Fachschule (FL), of 1 to 4 years’ duration (grades 9 up to 12); and höhere land- und forstwirtschaftliche Lehranstalt, of 5 years’ duration (grades 9 to 13). At some vocational upper secondary schools, so-called Kollegs have been established, which extend over 4 to 5 semesters and offer theoretical knowledge as well as practical skills in vocational subject areas (as taught by vocational upper secondary schools of relevant areas) to school-leavers of other types of secondary schools, particularly those coming from AHS (academic secondary schools). Pupils who have completed the (shorter) cycles offered by vocational schools called Fachschulen may attend additional graded courses and take an upper secondary school leaving examination (Reifeprüfung) as well as a diploma examination. Moreover, again at the secondary stage, certain (upper secondary) teacher training schools called lehrerbildende höhere Schulen represent another part of vocational schooling. Here, teachers and young people preparing for certain caring occupations receive training. The main types of schools are: Bildungsanstalt für Kindergartenpädagogik (BAKIP) and Bildungsanstalt für Sozialpädagogik (BASOP), both of them with 5 years’ duration (grades 9 to 13). After completion of their compulsory schooling, more Austrian pupils generally choose a vocational path in education, rather than a type of school imparting a general and more academic education.
Higher Education System
Higher education: Various educational paths are open to students after completion of their secondary education, that is, after passing the Reifeprüfung (upper secondary school leaving examination); or after passing the Studienberechtigungsprüfung (the university entrance examination); or the Berufsreifeprüfung (external upper secondary school leaving examination). Higher education is provided by public universities, universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen, introduced in 1994), private universities (introduced in 2000), university colleges of education (Pädagogische Hochschulen, introduced in 2005), and Schools of Theology under the auspices of the Catholic Church. Study programmes lead to the following degrees: Degree programmes: - Diploma (after 8-12 semesters), or, respectively Diploma (FH) (after 8-10 semesters); - Bachelor (6-8 semesters); - Master (2-4 semesters after the bachelor); - Doctor (6 semesters after the master or diploma degree), only at public and private universities.
Further education programmes: Certificate (“Akademische/r …”); Master.
The 2002 University Reform redefined the relationship between universities and the State. Universities remain State institutions, and the State continues to finance them. Universities are, however, fully autonomous in terms of their statutes, internal affairs and curricula. The law provides for the establishment of a university board (Universitätsrat) at each institution which comprises leading figures from public life and the private sector. It is also responsible for providing the Federal Minister responsible for Higher Education with expert opinion on issues of the given university and launching evaluation measures. The University Assembly elects the rector. The Ministry assumes a supervisory function only in legal affairs and continues to be responsible for strategic planning and research. The law establishes which groups of degree programmes may be introduced at universities and lays down general rules concerning admissions and the award of academic degrees. In 1999, the University Accreditation Act was enacted which allows private institutions to obtain accreditation as a private university by the Accreditation Council which works under the supervision of the Ministry. At private universities, study programmes can be offered either in accordance with state programmes and degrees, or without reference to them.
Since March 2012, a single agency is responsible for external quality assurance in the HE sector (Public Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Private Universities). It replaced the Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat, Fachhochschulrat, and Österreichische Qualitätssicherungsagentur.
Anerkennungs- und Bewertungsgesetz (Act on Recognition and Assessment, AuBG) (2016)
Description:Legal basis for all kinds of recognition and assessment procedures, e.g. for assessment of higher education qualifications by ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA
Hochschülerinnen- und Hochschülerschaftsgesetz (Union of Student Act, HSG) (2014)
Description:Regulation on the National Student Union and the Student Unions at the single institutions
Hochschul-Qualitätssicherungsgesetz (Federal Act for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, HSQSG) (2012)
Description:Regulation of every kind of quality assurance in higher education
Privatuniversitätengesetz (Private Universities Act, PUG) (2011)
Description:Regulation on Private Universities
Hochschulgesetz (Teacher Education Act, HG) (2005)
Description:Regulation on University Colleges of Education
Danube University Act (DUK-G) (2004)
Description:Regulation on the University of Further Education (Danube University of Krems)
Universitätsgesetz (Universities Act, UG) (2002)
Description:Regulation on Public Universities and basic regulations for higher education in general
Fachhochschul-Studiengesetz (University of Applied Sciences Studies Act, FHStG) (1993)
Description:Regulation on Universities of Applied Sciences
Studienförderungsgesetz (Student Support Act, StudFG) (1992)
Description:Regulation on all kinds of financial student support
German, English
Non-university level : College
Description:The following schools offer courses to holders of the Reifeprüfung: Speziallehrgänge (Technology, Economics, Tourism and Catering), Kollegs (Tourism and Catering, Commerce and Technology), Medizinisch-Technische Akademien (Technical Medical Colleges, Midwifery Colleges). These institutions are administered by the Federal Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, the latter category, however, by the Federal Ministry of Health. The Academy of Administration for the Training of Public Servants falls within the jurisdiction of the Federal Chancellery. The Diplomatic Academy is a special educational institution under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs. Some intermediate and higher vocational schools also provide evening classes for working people.
University level first stage : Bachelor
Description:Bachelor programmes are offered by public universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and university colleges of education. Access to Bachelor programmes is normally based on the Reifeprüfung Certificate. Bachelor programmes last for 3-4 years and end with a Bachelor examination (Bachelorprüfung). They lead to the academic degree of Bachelor. The former diploma programmes, however, can be continued instead of Bachelor and Master programmes.
University level second stage : Master
Description:Master programmes are offered by public universities, universities of applied sciences and private universities. Access to Master programmes is based on completion of a relevant Bachelor programme. Master programmes last for 1-2 years and require a master thesis and end with a Master examination (Masterprüfung). They lead to the academic degree of Master, in Engineering to the Diplom Ingenieur/Diplom Ingenieurin.
University level third stage : Doktorat
Description:Doctoral studies, which are offered only by universities, generally require a minimum of 6 semesters. Access is based on completion of a relevant Master programme at a university, university of applied sciences or private university. Doctoral programmes demand greater independence of students in their scientific work. Doctoral candidates are required to present a thesis approved by at least two professors and an examining Commission, and pass the final oral examination (Rigorosum). They can be Doctor or PhD programmes; the latter are subdivided into a more study-oriented and a purely scientific stages.
University level fourth stage : Habilitation
Description:The Habilitation is acquired within the university system and is based on special research achievements after the Doctorate and production of a research monograph. It is awarded with the title Universitätsdozent/in or Privatsdozent/in, respectively. This is not an academic degree, but a special university qualification. It is often, but not necessarily, a prerequisite to be appointed professor at a university.
After completing their diploma or master degree, most university teachers begin their career as university assistants (Universitätsassistent/inn/en) and acquire the additional qualifications necessary for advancement (Doctorate, Habilitation). The final selection of candidates is carried out by the rectors of the individual universities. Appointment as a professor requires a Habilitation or a commensurate form of scholarly, scientific or artistic qualification and a "call" (Berufung) by the responsible organs of the university. Employment will be on a contractual basis, except for those professors who have been formally appointed as "definitive" (tenured). Employment can be full-time or part-time.
Distance education (Fernstudien) has been provided since 1979 by the Interuniversitäres Forschungsinstitut für Fernstudien. This Institute has links with all major Austrian universities and offers special courses for adults seeking employment. Students may also study at the Fernuniversität Hagen (Germany), which offers normal degree courses in Economics, Law, Social Sciences, Education and Management. Students at the Fernuniversität Hagen living in Austria may turn to the centres in Linz, Bregenz and Vienna for technical and social advice. There is a similar study centre at the Open University London located in Vienna. Under the Universities Act, Austrian universities may set up distance study courses. Furthermore there are special regulations as far as the admission, the documentation and the examination for distance studies are concerned.
Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung – BMBWF
Role:Central authority which is politically responsible for all kinds of education and research
Street:Minoritenplatz 5
Tel:+43(1) 53120-0
Contacts:Heinz Faßmann (Head), Job title : Minister
Agentur für Qualitätssicherung und Akkreditierung Austria – AQ
Role:A single agency created in 2012 responsible for external quality assurance in the HE sector (Public Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences, Private Universities). It replaced the Österreichischer Akkreditierungsrat, Fachhochschulrat, and Österreichische Qualitätssicherungsagentur
Street:Franz-Klein-Gasse 5
Tel:+43(1) 532 0220-0
Contacts:Anke Hanft (Head), Job title : President
Role:A network of almost 70 universities in the Danube Region aiming to improve higher education in teaching and research in the region, and in particular the advancement of our member universities, by establishing and facilitating bilateral and multilateral contacts between the universities,
Street:DRC Secretariat Hahngasse 6/24
Tel:+43(1) 319 72 58 - 32
Contacts:- Ivanka Popović (Head), Job title : President
- Sebastian Schäffer (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary General
Österreichische Austauschdienst GmbH – OeAD GmbH
Role:Limited Society for all kinds of foreign exchange of students and scholars, acting on the operational level unter the authority of the relevant Ministries.
Street:Ebendorferstraße 7
Tel:+43(1) 53408-0
Contacts:- Elmar Pichl (Head), Job title : Chair
- Jakob Calice (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : General Manager
Österreichische Fachhochschul-Konferenz – FHK
Role:Umbrella organization for universities of applied sciences at national level
Street:Bösendorferstraße 4/11
Tel:+43(1) 890 6345 10
Contacts:- Raimund Ribitsch (Head), Job title : President
- Kurt Koleznik (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Österreichische Privatuniversitäten Konferenz – ÖPUK
Role:Umbrella organization for private universities at national level.
Street:Am Kahlenberg 1
Tel:+43(1) 320-3555-300
Fax:+43(1) 320-3555-903
Contacts:Karl Wöber (Head), Job title : President
Österreichische Universitätenkonferenz – UNIKO
Role:Umbrella organization for public universities at national level.
Street:Floragasse 7 / 7
Tel:+43(1) 310 5656-0
Fax:+43(1) 310 5656-22
Contacts:- Sabine Seidler (Head), Job title : President
- Elisabeth Fiorioli (Senior Administrative Officer), Job title : Secretary-General
Role:Recommendations on recognition and assessment of higher education qualifications.
Services provided and types of students dealt with:The Austrian NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centre) is the official contact point for all kinds of questions concerning transfrontier recognition in the field of higher education. It is part of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.
Recognition for institution:yes
Recognition for profession:no
Street:Teinfaltstraße 8
Contacts:Ingrid Wadsack-Köchl (Head), Job title : Head of Centre
Österreichische Austauschdienst GmbH – OeAD GmbH
Street:Ebendorferstraße 7
Tel:+43(1) 53408-0
Street:Gudrunstraße 179
Tel:+43(1) 60173-0
Österreichische Austauschdienst GmbH – OeAD GmbH
Street:Ebendorferstraße 7
Tel:+43(1) 53408-0
Admission to Higher Education
Reifeprüfung / Reife- und Diplomprüfung
Minimum mark:4
Depending on the objectives of the programme, entrants with special professional training may have to pass a number of additional examinations, either prior to admission or by a deadline, in any case before the beginning of the second year of studies.
Reifeprüfung / Reife- und Diplomprüfung
Minimum mark:4
Requirement for:All higher education institutions (public universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities, university colleges of teacher education).
Studienberechtigungsprüfung: examination giving access to higher education to Austrian nationals who are over 22 years of age and do not possess a Reifezeugnis, but who have a professional or non-professional experience. It is valid only for those fields of study for which it has been taken. Relevant professional qualification in combination with certain additional examinations in subjects of general education.
At universities in some fields of study (e.g. Medicine, artistic programmes); at universities of applied sciences, most private universities and all university colleges of education.
Besondere Universitätsreife (special university entrance qualification) additional qualifications specific to the requirements of a given study programme in addition to Reifeprüfung in the country of its origin (this does not apply to EU citizens)
Definition:A person who does not have Austrian citizenship. Foreign nationals who enjoy equal status with Austrian nationals are: EU citizens, children of diplomats, refugees and some other groups.
Admission Requirements:Foreign students are admitted to study courses at university if their qualifications are equivalent to the "Matura" (Reifezeugnis) and qualify them for entry to a university in their own country. They also must give evidence that a higher education institution in the awarding country would accept them immediately for university studies in the respective field. This does not apply to EC citizens.
Quotas:The prerequisite is that there are sufficient places available for foreign students. EU and EEA citizens are admitted regardless of the number of places available.
Language Proficiency:Good knowledge of German is essential. In case of doubt, students must pass the compulsory German language examination (both written and oral) at the university before registering as full-time students. German language study facilities are available in all university towns and at a number of language schools. For students from the Near East, special courses are also conducted by the Hammer-Purgstall Society.
Application to Individual Institution:YesRecognition of Studies
Academic recognition is carried out mainly by higher education institutions. Professional recognition in the regulated field is done by sectoral Ministries, Chambers or Regional Governments.
Assessment of higher education qualifications is done by ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA.
For Access to Non-University Post-Secondary Studies:This is done by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research by nostrification.
For Access to University Level Studies:Higher education entrance qualifications are declared equivalent according to international agreements, such as the Lisbon Recognition Convention or bilateral agreements with certain European countries.
For Access to Advanced Studies/Research:This is decided by the receiving higher education institution; in some cases multilateral or bilateral agreements will apply.
For the Exercise of a Profession:Regulated professions: either professional recognition on the basis of the Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications, 2005/36/EC, or, if this is not applicable, nostrification by a higher education institution.
Non-regulated professions: no formal recognition; decision lies with the employer. In any case, the Federal Ministry for Science and Research (ENIC NARIC AUSTRIA) provides advice to employers or public authorities as well as assessments of diplomas in single cases.
Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the Europe Region (Lisbon Convention) (1997)
Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees concerning Higher Education in the States belonging to the Europe Region (1986)
European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities (1957)
Bilateral agreements. See: www.naric.at
Student Life
Is there social security:Yes
Is there social security:Yes
Details:Both Austrian and foreign students are entitled to health insurance which may be obtained from the Regional Public Health Insurance Institution (Gebietskrankenkasse), at the time of registration.
By Road:Yes
By Rail:Yes
Available to Foreign Students:Yes
National Students - Min Tuition Fees:363 Euro
Foreign Students - Min Tuition Fees:726 EuroStudy Abroad 2005-2006
Year of publication:2005
Reifeprüfung / Reife- und Diplomprüfung
Description:The Reifeprüfung / Reife- und Diplomprüfung is conferred after four years' primary education, followed by eight or nine years' secondary education (12 or 13 years of school study). The Reife- und Diplomprüfung gives access to higher education.
Bachelor's Degree
Description:Degree offered at public universities, universities of applied sciences, private universities and university colleges for education. Access to Bachelor programmes is based on the Reifeprüfung/Matura or on the Studienberechtigunsprüfung for non secondary school leavers. At universities of applied sciences, access can also be based on a relevant professional qualification combined with additional examinations in subjects of general education. Bachelor programmes last for 6-8 semesters (180 to 240 ECTS credits), sometimes including one semester of practical training (compulsory at universities of applied sciences and university colleges for education), require one or two Bachelor essays, and end with a Bachelor examination. They lead to the academic degree of Bachelor, e.g. BA, BSc.
Entrance exam test at National level:no
Entrance exam test at Institution level:no
Credential required for entry:Reifeprüfung / Reife- und Diplomprüfung
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences)
Pädagogische Hochschule (University College of Teacher Education)
Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde (Doktor der Zahnheilkunde)
Description:Degree in medical fields (Human Medicine, Dentistry) at Master's level. It lasts 6 years (360 ECTS credits). Full designation of degrees: Doktor der gesamten Heilkunde (Dr. med. univ.), Doktor der Zahnheilkunde (Dr. med. dent.). The Dr. med. univ. degree gives access to postgraduate medical training or to doctoral programmes. The Dr. med. dent. degree gives direct access for the exercice of the profession of dentist or to doctoral programmes.
Acronym:Dr. med. univ./dent.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Description:Degree offered at universities and universities of applied sciences upon completion of a degree programme in engineering. Access is based on a completed Bachelor programme. The programme lasts for 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits) at universities and 2-4 semesters (60 to 120 ECTS credits) at universities of applied sciences, require a thesis, and end with an examination. Instead of a Diplom-Ingenieur, the students can also be awarded, with the same effects, a Master of Science or a Master of Engineering.
Credential required for entry:Bachelor's Degree
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences)
Description:Degree offered in catholic theology.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Master's Degree
Description:Degree offered at universities and universities of applied sciences. Access to Master programmes is based on a completed Bachelor programme. Master programmes last for 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits) at universities and for 2-4 semesters (60 to 120 ECTS credits) at universities of applied sciences, require a Master thesis, and end with an examination (Magisterprüfing).
Credential required for entry:Bachelor's Degree
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences)
Pädagogische Hochschule (University College of Teacher Education)
Master's Degree in Further education
Description:Degrees offered at universities, universities of applied sciences and university colleges of teacher education upon completion of university courses (Universitätslehrgänge) advanced training courses (Lehrgänge zur Weiterbildung) or. university college courses (Hochschullehrgänge). Admission requirements and duration of studies have to be in conformity with international use and are in each case laid down in the curricula. A thesis (Master's thesis) is required. This kind of Master's degrees does not give automatically, but on a case-by case basis access to doctoral programmes.
Acronym:MBA, MAS, MSc
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Fachhochschulen (Universities of Applied Sciences)
Pädagogische Hochschule (University College of Teacher Education)
Description:Doctoral studies generally require a minimum of 6 semesters. Access is based on a completed Master programme at a university or a university of applied sciences. They demand greater independence from students in their scientific work. Doctoral candidates are required to succeed their research training, to present a thesis (Dissertation) approved by at least two professors and an examining commission, and to pass the final oral examination (Rigorosum). They are then awarded the title of Doktor.
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Doctor of Philosophy
Description:Doctoral studies generally require a minimum of 6 semesters. Access is based on a completed Master programme at a university or a university of applied sciences. They demand greater independence from students in their scientific work. Doctoral candidates are required to succeed their research training, to present a thesis (Dissertation) approved by at least two professors and an examining commission, and to pass the final oral examination (Rigorosum). They are then awarded the title of PhD.
Credential required for entry:Master's Degree
Type of institution where credential is offered:Universität (University)
Data Provided by
IAU from ENIC-NARIC AUSTRIA, BMBWF, 2018. Bodies updated October 2020.
Updated on 20-08-2018