

top General Information


Street:Sofija, Studentski grad, ul. "Prof. Bojan Kamenov" № 1


Post Code:1700


Institution Funding



Founded 1953. Acquired present status and title 2005

Academic Year

September to July

Admission Requirements

Secondary school certificate (Diploma za zavarsheno sredno obrazovanie), and entrance examination

Tuition Fees

National:1,650-3,300 per annum (EUR)



Accrediting Agency

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA)

Student Body


top Officers

Head : Ivaylo Georgiev Koprev

Job title:Rector

Senior Administrative Officer : Borislav Milanov Krushkin

Job title:Secretary General

Senior Administrative Officer : Irena Lyubenova Grigorova

Job title:Vice-Rector for Research Activities

Senior Administrative Officer : Svetlana Georgieva Bratkova

Job title:Vice-Rector for Education and Student Affairs

International Relations Officer : Marinela Panayotova

Job title:Erasmus+ Coordinator

top Divisions

Faculty : Geoexploration

Fields of study:Ecology, Environmental Management, Geology, Geophysics, Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Faculty : Mining Electromechanics

Fields of study:Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Mining Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering

Faculty : Mining Technology

Fields of study:Industrial Management, Mineralogy, Mining Engineering, Surveying and Mapping

top Degrees


Fields of study:Biotechnology, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Ecology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Environmental Studies, Geological Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Industrial Management, Mechanical Engineering, Mineralogy, Mining Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Surveying and Mapping


Fields of study:Biotechnology, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Engineering, Ecology, Electrical Engineering, Energy Engineering, Environmental Management, Geological Engineering, Geology, Geophysics, Industrial Engineering, Mineralogy, Mining Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Petrology, Surveying and Mapping, Waste Management, Water Management


Fields of study:Computer Engineering, Construction Engineering, Ecology, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Environmental Studies, Fire Science, Geological Engineering, Geology, Industrial and Production Economics, Industrial Management, Mineralogy, Mining Engineering, Petroleum and Gas Engineering, Petrology, Safety Engineering, Surveying and Mapping, Waste Management, Water Science

top Academic Periodicals


Annual of the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski"

Main Press

University Publishing House

Updated on 15-10-2020